About Leslie
Like many of you, I wear many hats. I am an author, influential tech expert and speaker. A long-time development team leader. A software engineer. A wife and mother. A former science and technology policy advisor to the US Congress.
After seeing both success and failure in the tech industry, and seeing disgruntled star employees leave because of poor management, I initiated a program to improve the leadership, communication skills, and trust required to direct gifted people and talented teams. The results: These are LEARNABLE skills!
I’ve shared insights and humor at NASA, HP, 3M, TI, Dell, Engie, Lek Pharmaceuticals, and IBM. My down-to-earth humor and real scenarios connect quickly with leaders. A senior director at NASA told me, “Now I finally get it!” That felt good!
I help leaders to build teams that OWN their projects and deliver them on schedule. The techniques I offer, with practice, are easy and useful. Anyone can learn these skills, and, once learned, I promise that they will improve the quality of both your business life and your personal life.
I’ve spoken at events on every continent except Antarctica! I work to bring about change in people’s lives; change that will bring them greater effectiveness and greater success.
When I’m not speaking at an event, you might find me at a tech conference (I’m the Awards Chair for a region of IEEE). Or you might find me at the theater (I’m the Board President for Austin Shakespeare). Or, you might even find me sorting through my many hats to find just the right one, or singing old rock and roll songs with my husband!
